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【時間】2024.11.29 10:30~12:30
【報名】 https://forms.gle/HBUMChzJoGSUvxYs6
【活動聯絡】陳怡婷 ; ytchen04@gate.sinica.edu.tw ; 02-2652-5144


鍾基年教授是香港理工大學的講座教授與商學院副院長,在史丹佛大學獲得社會學博士學位。研究興趣集中於新興經濟體中的企業集團、家族企業與政治關係,特別關注制度變遷與組織反應的互動,尤其是市場導向轉型和民主化如何調節企業策略、治理和績效之間的關係等。其研究發表於Administrative Science Quarterly、Management ScienceOrganization Science以及 Strategic Management Journal等學術期刊,並擔任CGIR、JMS、MOR和SMJ等期刊的編委會成員。

Topic: Network Governance under Developmental State: The case of Korean TV Drama Industry
Speaker: Chi-Nien Chung (Chair Professor, Faculty of Business, Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
Host: Zong-Rong Lee (Research Fellow, Institute of Sociology, Academia Sinica)
Time: 2024.11.29 10:30-12:30
Registration: https://forms.gle/HBUMChzJoGSUvxYs6
Venue: 8F, Room802, Institute of Sociology, South Wing, Humanities and Social Sciences Building, Academia Sinica
Contact: ytchen04@gate.sinica.edu.tw ; 02-2652-5144
In this lecture, Dr. Chung will share his research on “Network Governance under Developmental State: The case of Korean TV Drama Industry”

This study examines the concurrent roles of public agencies and private actors in the industrial development of East Asia. The study introduces a network governance system under the developmental state framework and illustrate the evolving roles and mutual adaptations of these agencies and actors. Using both qualitative and quantitative data, this study analyzes the development of the Korean TV drama industry. The research indicates that this development is neither entirely state-led nor market-led; rather, it relies on the collaborative actions of both the state and the industry. These actions manifest in a network-based value chain system composed of small and medium-sized independent firms. The study also demonstrates that this governance system necessitates a pre-existing symbiotic relationship between the state and the industry. This research broadens the prevailing state-led approach to industrial development in East Asia, offering an alternative perspective that frames the efforts of the state and private entities as concurrent rather than competing explanations.

Chi-Nien Chung is Chair Professor at Hong Kong Polytechnic University. He received his Ph.D. in sociology from Stanford University. His research interests center around business groups, family firms, and political ties in emerging economies, with a focus on the interaction between institutional changes and organizational responses, in particular, how market-oriented transitions and democratization moderate the relationships among firm strategy, governance, and performance. His work has appeared in Administrative Science Quarterly, Management Science, Organization Science, Strategic Management Journal, and other refereed journals. He serves on the boards of CGIR, JMS, MOR, and SMJ.

Note: Online participation is available. The link to the online conference room would be sent via email before the event.