- 具備國外或國內博士學位者。
- 任職於國內外各大學或研究機構之專職教學或研究人員。
- 將於2022年5月30日前通過博士論文口試,且取得證明者。
- 所需資料:
- 詳細履歷表(含學術著作目錄),並註明欲申請之職位。
- 英文研究計畫(含目前研究重點及未來5~8年的研究方向等,共約2000字)。
- 博士學位證書(或證明)之影本。
- 碩士、博士成績單之影本。
- 除提供博士學位論文(至少須為論文全文初稿)外,並提供擬送審近5年之代表著作。代表著作必須為與歐美研究有關(含比較研究),學術論文必須是有健全審查制度。
- 英文博士論文摘要(如論文以中、英文外其他語言撰寫)。
*以上文件(1-6)皆請提供電子檔至scea@gate.sinica.edu.tw。 - 推薦函3封(如可能,最好其中1封由博士論文指導教授執筆),由推薦者(附簽名)直接寄本所鄧育仁所長至scea@gate.sinica.edu.tw。
- 截止日期:2022年5月30日
通訊地址:中央研究院歐美研究所 台北市南港區11529研究院路二段128號
Job Announcement
Assistant Research Fellow, Associate Research Fellow or Research Fellow
The Institute of European and American Studies (IEAS), Academia Sinica, Taiwan, is seeking applications for tenure-track faculty positions at the Assistant Research Fellow, Associate Research Fellow or Research Fellow level, in the areas of European and American Studies, with favorable consideration in the fields of Contemporary British and American Literature (including Cultural Studies) and U.S.-Taiwan-China Relations (including U.S. foreign relations, security, law and U.S. government).
Qualified candidates must have a Ph.D. degree in hand or expect to defend the dissertation prior to 30 May 2022. Interested applicants please submit the following documents:
- CV (including a complete list of publications), specifying the position for which you wish to apply
- Research plan in English (for the current and next 5 to 8 years, about 2,000 words)
- Diploma (or proof) of doctoral degree
- Transcript of master’s and doctoral degree
- Dissertation (at least first draft) and representative publications from the last 5 years; subject matters must be related to Europe and the United States (comparative studies acceptable, and the academic journal articles or book chapters must be peer-reviewed)
- English abstract of dissertation if not written in Chinese or English
- 3 signed letters of recommendation (preferably 1 from the dissertation supervisor) emailed directly by the respective referees to Director Norman Y. Teng at scea@gate.sinica.edu.tw
Submission Deadline: 30 May 2022
Address: Institute of European and American Studies, Academia Sinica, 128 Academia Road, Section 2, Nankang, Taipei 11529, Taiwan
Tel.: +886-2-3789-7207
Fax: +886-2-2785-1787
E-mail: scea@gate.sinica.edu.tw
IEAS website: www.ea.sinica.edu.tw