◎ 名額
Job Opening Announcement (Department of Sociology, National Chengchi University)
Assistant Professor/Associate Professor position
Department of Sociology
College of Social Sciences
National Chengchi University, Taiwan
The Department of Sociology at National Chengchi University (NCCU) in Taipei, Taiwan (http://www.nccu.edu.tw/en/about) seeks applications for a Tenure-Track position of Assistant Professor/Associate Professor. The appointment will begins on August 1, 2023. The main tasks of a full-time faculty member include research, teaching and public service. In addition, a strong command of oral and written skills in both Mandarin and English is required.
NCCU, one of the leading public research universities in Taiwan, has 9 colleges excelling in the Social Sciences, Humanities, Law, Commerce, Science, Foreign Languages, Communication, International Affairs, and Education. Most of its faculty members were educated in North America or Europe. Taipei, where NCCU is located, has been consistently ranked as one of the “most livable” cities in Asia.
The Department welcomes candidates from all subfields of sociology and other related disciplines. We particularly welcome candidates with strong interdisciplinary research experiences. The candidate must hold a PhD at the time of the appointment.
Qualified applicants should send the following documents in PDF format:
(1)Application form, please download from our website: https://sociology.nccu.edu.tw/
(2) Curriculum Vitae,
(3) Up to five selected major publications (which may include the dissertation) within the last five years,
(4) Four sample course syllabi, including at least one Chinese- and one English-taught courses,
(5) Photocopy of the certificate of doctoral degree or other certifying documents (like a formal letter from his/her supervisor or department, university) to confirm that the applicant will receive the Ph.D. degree by the end of Jun 2023.
(6) A PhD transcript,
(7) PhD dissertation
(8) Photocopy of teacher’s certificate issued by the Ministry of Education, R.O.C, if available.
Items (5)-(7) are required for applicants without full-time teaching experiences. Foreign academic credentials and related certifications should be authenticated by Embassies & Missions abroad of Republic of China (Taiwan).
The job interview will be held in March to early April after the shortlist of candidates is determined.
Please send all application materials to Ms. Shiaoling Chang no later than Feb. 1 (Tuesday), 2023 by E-mail:slchang2@nccu.edu.tw.
For any question, please contact Ms. Shiaoling Chang.
- 資格:
- 起聘日期
◎ 名額
- 檢具以下電子檔文件
- 申請表。
- 中(英)文履歷表。(並請註明:學術專長及可開授課程,學術著作目錄(如為TSSCI、SSCI、SCI (E)、EI、AHCI、THCI Core期刊文章請註明)。
- 最近五年內發表之著作(含博士論文)至多5篇。(已取得副教授以上證書者免附博士論文)
- 擬開設學士班及碩博士班課程四門綱要,中、英文課程授課綱要各至少一門。
- 博士學位影印本,如為國外學歷須辦理學位查驗。如為國外學歷且尚未取得博士學位者,須附校方或指導教授所發證明文件(112年6月30日前可取得博士學位)。
- 最高學歷成績單影本(已有教師證書者得免附)。
- 教師資格證書影本(無則免附)。
- 申請截止日期
112年2 月1日(週二)
Job Opening Announcement (Department of Sociology, National Chengchi University)
Assistant Professor/Associate Professor position
Department of Sociology
College of Social Sciences
National Chengchi University, Taiwan
The Department of Sociology at National Chengchi University (NCCU) in Taipei, Taiwan (http://www.nccu.edu.tw/en/about) seeks applications for a Tenure-Track position of Assistant Professor/Associate Professor. The appointment will begins on August 1, 2023. The main tasks of a full-time faculty member include research, teaching and public service. In addition, a strong command of oral and written skills in both Mandarin and English is required.
NCCU, one of the leading public research universities in Taiwan, has 9 colleges excelling in the Social Sciences, Humanities, Law, Commerce, Science, Foreign Languages, Communication, International Affairs, and Education. Most of its faculty members were educated in North America or Europe. Taipei, where NCCU is located, has been consistently ranked as one of the “most livable” cities in Asia.
The Department welcomes candidates from all subfields of sociology and other related disciplines. We particularly welcome candidates with strong interdisciplinary research experiences. The candidate must hold a PhD at the time of the appointment.
Qualified applicants should send the following documents in PDF format:
(1)Application form, please download from our website: https://sociology.nccu.edu.tw/
(2) Curriculum Vitae,
(3) Up to five selected major publications (which may include the dissertation) within the last five years,
(4) Four sample course syllabi, including at least one Chinese- and one English-taught courses,
(5) Photocopy of the certificate of doctoral degree or other certifying documents (like a formal letter from his/her supervisor or department, university) to confirm that the applicant will receive the Ph.D. degree by the end of Jun 2023.
(6) A PhD transcript,
(7) PhD dissertation
(8) Photocopy of teacher’s certificate issued by the Ministry of Education, R.O.C, if available.
Items (5)-(7) are required for applicants without full-time teaching experiences. Foreign academic credentials and related certifications should be authenticated by Embassies & Missions abroad of Republic of China (Taiwan).
The job interview will be held in March to early April after the shortlist of candidates is determined.
Please send all application materials to Ms. Shiaoling Chang no later than Feb. 1 (Tuesday), 2023 by E-mail:slchang2@nccu.edu.tw.
For any question, please contact Ms. Shiaoling Chang.