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台大亞比中心11/20"Concepts, Frameworks and Ideas to Capture Asian Gender and Family Changes"講座

演講主題:Concepts, Frameworks and Ideas to Capture Asian Gender and Family Changes
主講人:Prof. Emiko Ochiai (京都產業大學教授、京都大學名譽教授)
Prof. Ochiai將分享她作為社會學者,長期以來以亞洲觀點研究家庭與性別現象時,如何回應發展概念和分析架構的挑戰。此次演講重點主要是從她的近作Sociology of the Intimate and Public Spheres 進一步發展,這本近作是奠基於她數十年以來研究累積的成果,她也將藉此機會探討亞洲社會學的未來。
Emiko Ochiai(落合恵美子)教授現於京都產業大學現代社會學部執教,為京都大學社會學名譽教授。落合教授研究領域為亞洲家庭、性別研究與福利國家,透過跨國研究合作,致力於探討亞洲家庭的歷史演變與比較。近作包括Sociology of the Intimate and Public Spheres: Beyond the 20th-Century Care Regime (in Japanese, 親密圏と公共圏の社会学,2023), Japanizing Japanese Families: Regional Diversity and the Emergence of a National Family Model through the Eyes of Historical Demography (co-editorship with Hirai Shoko, 2023), Asian Families and Intimacies (4 vols., co-editorship with Patricia Uberoi, 2021).
We are honored to invite Prof. Emiko Ochiai to give a talk on “Concepts, Frameworks and Ideas to Capture Asian Gender and Family Changes”. Prof. Ochiai is Professor of Sociology at Kyoto Sangyo University and Emeritus Professor at Kyoto University. She is a leading expert in Asian family, gender and welfare state. Her most recent books are Sociology of the Intimate and Public Spheres:Beyond the 20th-Century Care Regime (in Japanese 『親密圏と公共圏の社会学』, 2023), Japanizing Japanese Families: Regional Diversity and the Emergence of a National Family Model through the Eyes of Historical Demography (co-editorship with Hirai Shoko, 2023), Asian Families and Intimacies (4 vols., co-editorship with Patricia Uberoi, 2021).
This talk is based on her recently published book, Sociology of the Intimate and Public Spheres. Her long-term research as a sociologist has been focusing on family and gender, in most cases, from an Asian perspective. This time, she will share with us her reflections on how to tackle the challenges of creating adequate concepts and frameworks to do justice to the social reality and life experience of the Asian people. It is our honor to have Prof. Ochiai to share the ideas she has developed for decades and discuss the future of Asian sociology.      

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