中研院亞太中心5/7"Rice Crisis in Java in 1920-21"演講
題目:Rice Crisis in Java in 1920-21: Impacts of Rainfall, Disease, and Sugar Cultivation
講者:太田淳 教授 (日本 慶應義塾大學 經濟學系)
與談人:鄭維中 副研究員(中研院人社中心、台灣史研究所合聘)
主持人:張雯勤 研究員兼執行長(中研院人社中心亞太區域研究專題中心)
時間:2024年5月7日(二) 14:00-17:00(13:40-14:00報到)
地點:中央研究院 民族學研究所 第三會議室(R2319)
報名截止日:2024年5月1日(三) 17:00
聯絡人:江祐宗先生,(02) 2651-6862,gh10292006@gate.sinica.edu.tw
From 1918 to 1921, many parts of Asia, including Taiwan and Japan, experienced large-scale crop failures of rice. This presentation focuses on the rice crisis in Java in 1920-21, which brought severe food shortages in many places. Although previous studies have emphasized the import decrease and mismanagement of the government as causes of the crisis, this presentation elucidates that the rice crisis resulted mainly from poor harvests caused by irregular rainfall in the dry season of 2020. The irregular rain made rice-root nematodes (Hirschmanniella oryzae) survive in the soil, which led to the widespread damage of rice disease in the next harvest. The influence of sugar plantation near rice fields is also emphasized because it deprived rice cultivators of a considerable part of their labor and water, which caused the delay in planting and less intensive care of the soil in rice cultivation.
Discussant|Dr. Wei-Chung Cheng (Associate Research Fellow, ITH)
Moderator|Dr. Wen-Chin Chang (Research Fellow, CAPAS)
Date|07 May 2024 Tue. 14:00-17:00 (Registration start at 13:40)
Venue|Conf. Rm. 2319 Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica
※This talk is Conducted in English.
Registration dealine|01 May 2024 Wed. 17:00
Contact|Mr. Jiang (E-mail: gh10292006@gate.sinica.edu.tw, tel: (02) 2651-6862)
From 1918 to 1921, many parts of Asia, including Taiwan and Japan, experienced large-scale crop failures of rice. This presentation focuses on the rice crisis in Java in 1920-21, which brought severe food shortages in many places. Although previous studies have emphasized the import decrease and mismanagement of the government as causes of the crisis, this presentation elucidates that the rice crisis resulted mainly from poor harvests caused by irregular rainfall in the dry season of 2020. The irregular rain made rice-root nematodes (Hirschmanniella oryzae) survive in the soil, which led to the widespread damage of rice disease in the next harvest. The influence of sugar plantation near rice fields is also emphasized because it deprived rice cultivators of a considerable part of their labor and water, which caused the delay in planting and less intensive care of the soil in rice cultivation.
題目:Rice Crisis in Java in 1920-21: Impacts of Rainfall, Disease, and Sugar Cultivation
講者:太田淳 教授 (日本 慶應義塾大學 經濟學系)
與談人:鄭維中 副研究員(中研院人社中心、台灣史研究所合聘)
主持人:張雯勤 研究員兼執行長(中研院人社中心亞太區域研究專題中心)
時間:2024年5月7日(二) 14:00-17:00(13:40-14:00報到)
地點:中央研究院 民族學研究所 第三會議室(R2319)
報名截止日:2024年5月1日(三) 17:00
聯絡人:江祐宗先生,(02) 2651-6862,gh10292006@gate.sinica.edu.tw
From 1918 to 1921, many parts of Asia, including Taiwan and Japan, experienced large-scale crop failures of rice. This presentation focuses on the rice crisis in Java in 1920-21, which brought severe food shortages in many places. Although previous studies have emphasized the import decrease and mismanagement of the government as causes of the crisis, this presentation elucidates that the rice crisis resulted mainly from poor harvests caused by irregular rainfall in the dry season of 2020. The irregular rain made rice-root nematodes (Hirschmanniella oryzae) survive in the soil, which led to the widespread damage of rice disease in the next harvest. The influence of sugar plantation near rice fields is also emphasized because it deprived rice cultivators of a considerable part of their labor and water, which caused the delay in planting and less intensive care of the soil in rice cultivation.
Topic|Rice Crisis in Java in 1920-21: Impacts of Rainfall, Disease, and Sugar Cultivation
Speakers|Prof. Atsushi Ota Discussant|Dr. Wei-Chung Cheng (Associate Research Fellow, ITH)
Moderator|Dr. Wen-Chin Chang (Research Fellow, CAPAS)
Date|07 May 2024 Tue. 14:00-17:00 (Registration start at 13:40)
Venue|Conf. Rm. 2319 Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica
※This talk is Conducted in English.
Registration dealine|01 May 2024 Wed. 17:00
Contact|Mr. Jiang (E-mail: gh10292006@gate.sinica.edu.tw, tel: (02) 2651-6862)
From 1918 to 1921, many parts of Asia, including Taiwan and Japan, experienced large-scale crop failures of rice. This presentation focuses on the rice crisis in Java in 1920-21, which brought severe food shortages in many places. Although previous studies have emphasized the import decrease and mismanagement of the government as causes of the crisis, this presentation elucidates that the rice crisis resulted mainly from poor harvests caused by irregular rainfall in the dry season of 2020. The irregular rain made rice-root nematodes (Hirschmanniella oryzae) survive in the soil, which led to the widespread damage of rice disease in the next harvest. The influence of sugar plantation near rice fields is also emphasized because it deprived rice cultivators of a considerable part of their labor and water, which caused the delay in planting and less intensive care of the soil in rice cultivation.