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中研院社會所7/2"The Right to Be Counted: The Urban Poor and the Politics of Resettlement in Delhi"專書演講
講題:The Right to Be Counted: The Urban Poor and the Politics of Resettlement in Delhi專書演講
講者:Sanjeev Routray助理教授(汶萊達魯薩蘭亞斯大學亞洲研究所)
與談:彭昉 助理教授(臺北大學社會學系)
主持:謝斐宇 副研究員(中央研究院 社會學研究所)
時間:2024年7月2日 14:00~16:00

The Right to Be Counted: The Urban Poor and the Politics of Resettlement in Delhi 一書探討德里的城市貧民如何逐步要求他們的房屋以及市民身份之權利,以獲得當地政府的重視。本書描繪了要記錄貧民之數據存在以及可見度的這項任務是如何地與策略和反策略相關,其中包括:中間人的政治調解、為了證明貧民之存在與真確性的文獻性及書寫性鬥爭、對政府將貧民身份分類之質疑的法律對抗、還有各種文化表達和反抗戰略。本書亦透過梳理社會、政治和經濟關係,追溯德里貧民如何在城市取得一席之地;並透過分析複雜的數據性治理及一系列的政治表達,提供一個自下而上的視角,看見貧民政治如何與空間配置、社會分歧和城市中的社會運動者進行交織。

Sanjeev Routray為汶萊達魯薩蘭亞斯大學亞洲研究所的助理教授,英屬哥倫比亞大學社會學博士。是一位社會學家、人類學家、批判性城市學家,也是南亞及其他地區的移民專家,研究領域為:城市貧困、政治和法律動員、跨區域移民,以及種姓和勞工市場談判。著有書籍The Right to Be Counted: The Urban Poor and the Politics of Resettlement in Delhi(2022)。文章發表於International Journal of Urban and Regional Research、 Urban Studies以及City: Analysis of Urban Change, Theory, and Action等期刊。曾獲頒the Urban Studies Foundation(英國)、The Foundation for Urban and Regional Studies(英國)、Zeit-Stiftung Ebelin und Gerd Bucerius Foundation(德國)、International Development Research Centre(加拿大)和the Hari Sharma Foundation等機構之研究獎金及補助。


Topic : The Right to Be Counted: The Urban Poor and the Politics of Resettlement in Delhi
Speaker : Sanjeev Routray (Assistant Professor, the Institute of Asian Studies, University Brunei Darussalam)
Discussants : Thomas Peng (Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, National Taipei University)
Host : Hsieh, Michelle Fei-Yu (Associate Research Fellow, Institute of Sociology, Academia Sinica)
Time : 2024.07.02 14:00-16:00
Registration https://forms.gle/vKRiNKUH4ArES7m99
Venue : 8F, Room802, Institute of Sociology, South Wing, Humanities and Social Sciences Building, Academia Sinica
Contact : ytchen04@gate.sinica.edu.tw ; 02-2652-5144

The Right to Be Counted: The Urban Poor and the Politics of Resettlement in Delhi examines how Delhi's urban poor, in an effort to gain visibility from the local state, incrementally stake their claims to a house and citizenship entitlements in the city. The book illustrates how the quest for documenting the numerical presence and visibility of the poor is linked to tactics and countertactics, including the mediated politics of the intermediaries, documentary and inscriptive struggles to prove existence and authenticity, legal battles to contest state categorization and classification, and numerous cultural idioms and resistance strategies. Analyzing social, political, and economic relationships alike, this book traces the ways the poor work to gain a foothold in Delhi. Along with analyzing the fraught process of calculative governmentality and an array of political idioms, the book also offers a bottom-up perspective on how the politics of the poor intersects with spatial arrangements, social cleavages, and activists in the city.

Dr. Sanjeev Routray is an Assistant Professor in the Institute of Asian Studies, University Brunei Darussalam. He completed his PhD in sociology at the University of British Columbia. Dr. Routray is a sociologist-anthropologist, critical urbanist, and migration specialist of South Asia and beyond. His areas of expertise include urban poverty, political and legal mobilizations, transregional migration, and caste and labor market negotiations. He is the author of The Right to Be Counted: The Urban Poor and the Politics of Resettlement in Delhi (2022, Stanford University Press) and his articles have appeared in leading journals including International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, Urban Studies, and City: Analysis of Urban Change, Theory, and Action. Dr. Routray has received fellowships from the Urban Studies Foundation (UK), The Foundation for Urban and Regional Studies (UK), Zeit-Stiftung Ebelin und Gerd Bucerius Foundation (Germany), International Development Research Centre (Canada), and the Hari Sharma Foundation for his research and writing.

 Online participation is available. The link to the online conference room would be sent via email before the event.