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講者:Morten Bennedsen(丹麥哥本哈根大學教授、歐洲工商管理學院講座教授及學術主任)
主持:李宗榮(中央研究院社會學研究所 研究員)
報名: https://forms.gle/N5M1yah9zPNf1CDi9
活動聯絡:陳怡婷ytchen04@gate.sinica.edu.tw ; 02-2652-5144

本次演講Morten Bennedsen教授將分享他的研究“The Talent Gap in Family Firms”。Bennedsen教授整合丹麥的公司資料與丹麥軍事徵兵資料,分析家族企業與非家族企業的員工及CEO在智商測量分數上的差距,並且得到三個主要的研究發現:首先,家族企業的員工平均智商比非家族企業員工低,而且這個差距在CEO和高技能工作職位上更為顯著。其次,智商差距與其他的人才衡量指標數據呈正相關。再者,員工的智商與管理實務的表現呈正相關,而家族企業的管理實務表現明顯較差。此外,研究也記錄了在各個組織層級中,家族成員的平均智商高於非家族成員,但家族領導者相較於非家族領導者,僱用的員工往往智商較低。這些研究發現呈現,家族企業在辨識人才和激勵人才方面的能力通常較低,導致家族企業人才的差距。

Morten Bennedsen於1998年取得哈佛大學經濟學博士學位,是國際知名的家族企業研究學者,現為丹麥哥本哈根大學經濟學系教授、歐洲工商管理學院(INSEAD)講座教授,以及溫德爾家族企業中心的學術主任。研究成果發表於《金融學期刊》等頂尖金融與經濟學期刊,並著有The Family Business Map: Assets and Roadblocks in Long Term Planning一書。研究成果經常受國際媒體如BBC、《金融時報》引用討論。Bennedsen教授也定期為China Family Business Review和《南華早報》撰寫專欄,並曾任丹麥商務部家族企業傳承及公司金融政策顧問。

  1. 本演講以英文進行。
  2. 本場次演講規劃現場及線上參與(Webex)形式。
  3. 11/15 (五)報名截止,報名成功者將於活動前寄信通知。

Topic|The Talent Gap in Family Firms
Speaker| Dr. Morten Bennedsen (Niels Bohr Professor, Department of Economics, University of Copenhagen; André and Rosalie Hoffmann Chaired Professor of Family Enterprise, INSEAD; Academic Director the Wendel International Centre for Family Enterprise. Professor in Economics, INSEAD.)
Host|Zong-Rong Lee (Research Fellow, Institute of Sociology, Academia Sinica)
Time|2024.11.19 14:30-16:30
Venue|8F, Room802, Institute of Sociology, South Wing, Humanities and Social Sciences Building, Academia Sinica
Contact|ytchen04@gate.sinica.edu.tw ; 02-2652-5144
The presentation is based on the research of Professor Morten Bennedsen, titled “The Talent Gap in Family Firms.” In this study, Professor Bennedsen utilizes data from Danish military draft sessions and document three results: First, employees in family firms have on average lower IQ than employees in nonfamily firms. This gap is higher for CEOs and in high-skill job occupations. Second, the IQ gap is correlated with other well established measures of talent. Third, the employee IQ is positively correlated with management practice, which is significantly lower in family firms. 
The study also documents that family members at all levels on average have higher IQ than non-family members but family leaders tent to hire employees with lower IQ relatively to non-family leaders. These findings are consistent with that the talent gap is rooted in family firms’ lower ability to identify and provide incentives for talented individuals.
Morten Bennedsen is Niels Bohr Professor at the University of Copenhagen and André and Rosalie Hoffmann Chaired Professor of Family Enterprise at INSEAD and the Academic Director of the Wendel International Centre for Family Enterprise INSEAD. He obtained his PhD in Economics from Harvard University in 1998. His area of teaching includes family business governance, corporate governance, applied microeconomics, and firm theory. His main research area is the governance of family firms and other closely held corporations in a global context. His work has been published in top finance and economics journals, such as Journal of Finance etc., and he is the author of the book The Family Business Map: Assets and Roadblocks in Long Term Planning. He has won a number of research and teaching prices including the biggest Danish individual research price from the Ministry of Science. His research is frequently discussed in global media outlets such as BBC Radio 1, Financial Times etc. He writes regularly columns for China Family Business Review and South China Morning Post. He has served as an advisor The Danish Ministry of Business, The Danish and Ministry of Foreign Affairs, private equity funds and the World Bank. He consults and work with many families in Europe, in Asia and in the rest of the world. 
  1. This event will be conducted in English.
  2. This session is planned to be held in both in-person and online formats (via Webex). 
  3.  Registration closes on 11/15. Those who successfully register will receive an email notification before the event.