【講題】Complexity of Japanese Religious Landscape: Multiple Religious Belonging and Religiosity Among Non-religious Japanese(日本宗教景象的複雜性:無宗教信仰之日本人的多重宗教歸屬與宗教性)
The Center on Religion and the Global East at Purdue University has initiated the “Global East Survey of Religion and Spirituality” project. In collaboration with research teams from Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan, surveys were conducted in the spring of 2024. The survey includes a range of new questions specifically designed to explore religiosity within East Asian cultural traditions.
This talk presents the primary findings from the Japan survey, highlighting two key characteristics of Japan’s religious landscape: first, the prevalence of multi-religious affiliation, and second, the widespread practice of religious behaviors and beliefs among those who identify as religious-non.
櫻井義秀(SAKURAI Yoshihide)
Research Subject: Cult problems and New Religions, Engaged Buddhism in Thailand, Asian Religions in Global Age
Research Fields: Sociology of Religion, Thai and Asian Studies
Faculty: Division of Human Sciences / Research Group of Sociology / Laboratory of Sociology
清水香基 (SHIMIZU Koki)
Research Subject: My current research interests focus on the social mechanisms behind the relationships between individuals’ religiosity and subjective well-being. My methodological interests are on quantitative survey data analysis, measurement development and cross-cultural comparisons.
Research Fields: Sociology of Religion, subjective well-being, value studies
Faculty: Division of Human Sciences / Research Group of Sociology / Laboratory of Sociology