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【講題】Construction of Religiosity in Japan: Behavior-based and Belief-based Model(日本宗教性的建構:行為模型與信仰模型的比較)
Traditional perspectives on religion often emphasize affiliation as a key source of individual beliefs, with these beliefs in turn guiding religious practices. In this view, people are taught what is considered right by religious authorities, and belief naturally leads to practice. However, in Japan, religious and cultural practices appear to be largely independent of formal affiliation. Individuals often engage in religious practices without strong belief, and belief can exist without formal belonging. This raises the question: where do these religious behaviors and beliefs come from?
In this talk, we propose that cultural practices embedded in daily life are central to understanding the structure of Japanese religiosity. To test this hypothesis, we compare two competing models: a behavior-based model and a belief-based model.
伍嘉誠(NG Ka Shing)
Research Subject: My current research interests focus on two topics: the relationships between social movements and civic organizations (mainly faith-based organizations) in Hong Kong, and the rise of nationalism in East Asian societies.
Research Fields: Nationalism studies, social movements, sociology of culture and religion, East-Asian studies
Faculty: Division of Human Sciences / Research Group of Sociology / Laboratory of Sociology