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中研院民族所12/23"The Rise and Decline of Transnational Youth Activism in East and Southeast"講座
會議名稱:2024 跨界與流動專題講座|The Rise and Decline of Transnational Youth Activism in East and Southeast (will be conducted in English)

講題:The Rise and Decline of Transnational Youth Activism in East and Southeast
地點:中央研究院 民族學研究所 第三會議室
講者: Dr. Tuwanont Phattharathanasut  (本中心訪問學元)
主持人:林育生 副研究員(中研院人社中心亞太區域研究專題中心 副研究員)


In April 2020, the Milk Tea Alliance (MTA) emerged amidst a meme war between Thai and Chinese nationalist netizens, evolving from a presumably online phenomenon to an influential force during the Thai youth protests in 2020 and the Myanmar anti-coup movement in 2021. However, the MTA is not the first instance of transnational collective action among youth activists in the region, as the past decades have seen extensive interactions among activists from different nations, such as Hong Kong-Taiwan and Thailand-Hong Kong, as well as within multinational frameworks like the Network of Young Democratic Asians. This study examines the development and dynamics of transnational youth activism in East and Southeast Asia through a processual perspective, situating the MTA as a conjuncture of earlier forms of collective action and collaboration from the 2010s to the 2020s. It argues that pre-existing networks significantly influenced the emergence of the MTA, while its dynamics and forms of collaboration were shaped by a history of negotiation and alliance-building among cross-national movement networks. Far from being a static or spontaneous phenomenon, the MTA reflects the region’s long-term interactions among activists, characterized by fluidity, transformation, and evolving alliances over time.

2024 CAPAS-Seminar: The Rise and Decline of Transnational Youth Activism in East and Southeast

Time: Mon. Dec. 23, 2024 14:00-16:00 【13:30-14:00 Registration】
Venue: 3st Conference Rm, Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica
Organizer: Center for Asia-Pacific Area Studies (CAPAS) of RCHSS, Academia Sinica. .
Registration:  https://forms.gle/kLi7kEeLNCYzTm71A
Speakers:  Dr. Tuwanont Phattharathanasut (CAPAS Visiting Student)
Topic: The Rise and Decline of Transnational Youth Activism in East and Southeast
Moderator: Dr. Lin, Yu-Sheng (Associate Research Fellow, CAPAS, Academia Sinica)
Registration Deadline: 12:00, Wed. Dec. 17 2024

In April 2020, the Milk Tea Alliance (MTA) emerged amidst a meme war between Thai and Chinese nationalist netizens, evolving from a presumably online phenomenon to an influential force during the Thai youth protests in 2020 and the Myanmar anti-coup movement in 2021. However, the MTA is not the first instance of transnational collective action among youth activists in the region, as the past decades have seen extensive interactions among activists from different nations, such as Hong Kong-Taiwan and Thailand-Hong Kong, as well as within multinational frameworks like the Network of Young Democratic Asians. This study examines the development and dynamics of transnational youth activism in East and Southeast Asia through a processual perspective, situating the MTA as a conjuncture of earlier forms of collective action and collaboration from the 2010s to the 2020s. It argues that pre-existing networks significantly influenced the emergence of the MTA, while its dynamics and forms of collaboration were shaped by a history of negotiation and alliance-building among cross-national movement networks. Far from being a static or spontaneous phenomenon, the MTA reflects the region’s long-term interactions among activists, characterized by fluidity, transformation, and evolving alliances over time.