中研院民族所1/15"How researching about a taboo? Decay of Chinese material religion"演講
主題:How researching about a taboo? Decay of Chinese material religion
講者:Valentina Gamberi 夏芸庭(MSCA-CZ Postdoctoral Fellow, Palacký University Olomouc,本所訪問學人)
This presentation shows how the deconsecration of material religion in museum context is a processual dynamic of decay (DeSilvey 2017): material religion’s past sacredness still impacts its present usages, partly revealing stories otherwise silenced in the museum archive, partly demanding respectful treatment of the sacred residue (Beekers 2016) left. Ethnography of contemporary practices of deconsecration in ritual settings is, therefore, a crucial element in understanding present usages and affordances of the past, as well as guiding the future treatment of material religion in museums. This ongoing research ethnographically analyses deconsecration practices observed in Taipei and Keelung areas. It puts them into dialogue with the Xaverian missionary collection of Chinese gods in the Museum of Chinese Art and Ethnography in Parma. However, delving into an analysis of deconsecration practices according to a diachronic
perspective implies several challenges, let alone ethical concerns. The bond between worshippers and gods reflects an intimate logic of exchange and moral obligations that deconsecration rituals put into doubt, generating discomfort and a sense of loss. How researching about a taboo? This presentation thus reflects on appropriate methods that anthropologists should embrace for understanding and respectfully listening to what Hannah Gould (2018) has termed “affective labour”.
聯絡人:林音秀 (02)2652-3484 world66@gate.sinica.edu.tw
1. 本演講英文為主,中文為輔。
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講者:Valentina Gamberi 夏芸庭(MSCA-CZ Postdoctoral Fellow, Palacký University Olomouc,本所訪問學人)
This presentation shows how the deconsecration of material religion in museum context is a processual dynamic of decay (DeSilvey 2017): material religion’s past sacredness still impacts its present usages, partly revealing stories otherwise silenced in the museum archive, partly demanding respectful treatment of the sacred residue (Beekers 2016) left. Ethnography of contemporary practices of deconsecration in ritual settings is, therefore, a crucial element in understanding present usages and affordances of the past, as well as guiding the future treatment of material religion in museums. This ongoing research ethnographically analyses deconsecration practices observed in Taipei and Keelung areas. It puts them into dialogue with the Xaverian missionary collection of Chinese gods in the Museum of Chinese Art and Ethnography in Parma. However, delving into an analysis of deconsecration practices according to a diachronic
perspective implies several challenges, let alone ethical concerns. The bond between worshippers and gods reflects an intimate logic of exchange and moral obligations that deconsecration rituals put into doubt, generating discomfort and a sense of loss. How researching about a taboo? This presentation thus reflects on appropriate methods that anthropologists should embrace for understanding and respectfully listening to what Hannah Gould (2018) has termed “affective labour”.
聯絡人:林音秀 (02)2652-3484 world66@gate.sinica.edu.tw
1. 本演講英文為主,中文為輔。
2. 煩請一律從「中研院民族所網頁」報名,感謝。
3. 若1月10日(星期五)16:00前還未收到通知信,敬請來電或來信詢問,感謝。
4. 請使用桌機或筆電報名(避免用手機),感謝您的配合!