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中研院社會所2013/12/20 (五) 週五論壇

講 題:美國榮民健康署的組織變革與重生
主講人:李守義 教授 (國立陽明大學 醫務管理研究所)
時 間:102年12月20日(星期五)下午2時30 分 - 下午4時30分
地 點:人文館南棟社會所802會議室

Government agencies are often viewed as being complex, bureaucratic, sclerotic, archaic, and maladaptive. Against this backdrop, the success of transformation in the Veterans Health Administration (VHA), which started in 1995, appears to be an anomaly and presents a chance to advance our understanding of punctuated change in large bureaucratic organizations. The purpose of this study, funded by the Robert Wood John Foundation Investigator Awards in Health Policy Research, is to conduct an in-depth and systematic analysis of the historical context, organizational dynamics, and recent development of the transformation in the VHA—the largest nationwide health system in the U.S. and a health system run and financed entirely by the federal government. We adopt both deductive and inductive approaches in the design of a longitudinal case study to examine the VHA transformation. Data are collected through key informant interviews and review of newspaper articles, Congressional hearings, Government Accountability Office reports, VA internal studies and reports, and archives at the Clinton Presidential Library. In this presentation, I would describe in detail the purpose, significance, design of the study and would discuss preliminary findings from interviews with VHA clinicians, researchers, administrators, and executives.

講者簡介:Shoou-Yih Daniel Lee, a medical sociologist and health services researcher, is an Associate Professor in the Department of Health Management and Policy, University of Michigan. He is also an Adjunct Associate Professor in the Department of Health Policy and Management, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and an Adjunct Professor in the Institute of Public Health, National Yang-Ming University, Taipei, Taiwan.

Dr. Lee's main research interest is in health care organizations. In addition, he has conducted research that examines issues related to health care utilization and health care workforce. Prior to joining the HMP faculty, he taught at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill from 2001-2010 and the University of Illinois at Chicago from 1997-2001. He has received several awards and recognitions, notably the Best Pre- and Post-Doctoral Presentation Award from the Association for Health Services Research in 1997, the John D. Thompson Prize for Young Investigators from the Association of University Programs in Health Administration in 2002, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Investigator Awards in Health Policy Research in 2008, and the Medical Care Research & Review Best Paper Award in 2009.



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