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ISA訊息:Global Dialogue



Letter from Michael Burawoy, Editor of Global Dialogue

Dear Taiwanese Sociological Association,
The September Issue of Global Dialogue (GD5.3) has now been posted. We lead off with two sociologists from Asia – Walden Bello and Dipankar Gupta – who recount the complex relations between sociology and politics:  the one through an extraordinary personal narrative of political engagement in the Philippines and the other through theoretical reflections on the history of postcolonial democracy in India.  We continue our series that broach a singular theme from the standpoint of many different national contexts – a symposium on care-work, organized by Brigitte Aulenbacher.  This is followed by contributions from young sociologists in Russia – the first, a photo essay that discloses the history of a famous revolutionary square in St. Petersburg and the second, an uncompromising defense of public sociology in a hostile environment.  We have three essays on new directions in Czech sociology; an essay on labor organizing in South China; reflections on a program for social science on a world scale from Germany, and a report on studying professions from an international perspective.  Finally, I would like to welcome our new Indonesian team who will produce Global Dialogue in its 16thlanguage. 

GLOBAL DIALOGUE Volume 5 Issue 3  
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