徵才資訊Job openings
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本所擬徵聘專任助理教授(含)以上職級教師一名,起聘日為 2025 年 8 月 1 日或 2026 年2 月 1 日。應徵者須具備下列條件:
The Institute of Social Research and Cultural Studies (SRCS) invites applicants for a full-time position (Assistant Professor or higher). The successful candidate will begin the appointment on August 1, 2025, or February 1, 2026. Applicants are required to: 

1. Hold a doctoral degree in humanities, social science, or cultural studies awarded by any university recognized by the Ministry of Education (Taiwan, ROC), preferably with at least two years of experience in teaching or research.

(1)社會與文化理論 (2)台灣與亞際研究 (3)藝術、媒體與社會(4)數位文化研究 。
2. Be capable of developing research projects and offering courses related to the following areas:
(1) Social and Cultural Theories; (2) Taiwan and Inter-Asia Studies; (3) Art, Media, and Society; (4) Digital Cultural Studies.

3. Teach courses in English (at least one English-medium course is required per academic year for new faculty members).

有意申請者請於 2025 年1 月31 日前,E-mail 以下資料電子檔: 
To apply for this position, please submit the following materials in electronic copy via email by January 31, 2025: 
  1. 申請信及個人履歷。A cover letter and a CV.
  2. 最高學位證書影本。(博士候選人已修畢課程,已通過資格考及論文口試,尚未取得博士學位證書者,須取得臨時學位證明。且須於起聘日前取得博士學位證書。)A copy of the highest education certificate.(A provisional degree certificate is required for doctoral candidates who have fulfilled all course requirements, qualifying examinations, and dissertation oral examinations. The official doctoral degree certificate is required by the date of appointment.)
  3. 最高學歷成績單;已有教育部審定頒給之助理教授(含)以上教師證書者免附。The transcript of the highest education, which can be waived for those with a certificate of assistant professor (or higher) issued by the Ministry of Education.
  4. 教育部審定頒給之助理教授(含)以上教師證書影本(尚未取得教師證書者免附)。A certificate of assistant professor position (or higher) issued by the Ministry of Education (optional).
  5. 現職證明(若有為佳)。A certificate of your current employment (preferred).
  6. 歷年著作目錄與具代表性之著作 2-5 件,並說明前述著作之學術貢獻。A list of all publications, along with 2-5 representative publications in full text. Please briefly illustrate the academic contribution of these representative publications.
  7. 研究說明:目前研究方向、未來研究之中、長程計畫,以及和本所研究方向之關聯。Research statement that illustrates your current research direction, future research plans, and their compatibility with the SRCS research goals.
  8. 擬開授課程(至少 2 門)之英文授課大綱,其中應包含課程目標說明、每週主題,及預計使用之參考資料,並請說明該課程之開創性,及與本所課程規劃之關聯。At least 2 course syllabi in English proposed by the applicants, along with course objectives, weekly topics, and references. Please also indicate the originality of the courses and their relevance to the SRCS program.
  9. 推薦人名單 2-3 名(同時提供推薦人職位及通訊資訊),若接獲通知進第二階段面試再提供推薦信 2-3 封。A list of 2-3 referees (with their position, affiliation, and contact information). The institute will further request 2-3 recommendation letters from shortlisted candidates.
  10. 另請至附件下載「徵聘專任教師基本資料一覽表」,寄至信箱。Please also download and fill in the “Application Form for Full-Time Faculty Position, SRCS, NYCU” (available at the attachment session) and send it by email.

應徵資料電子檔請 e-mail 行政助理洪慧芳女士:hungfa@nycu.edu.tw ;email 主旨請註明「應徵國立陽明交通大學社會與文化研究所專任教師:申請人姓名)」


合者將進一步聯絡通知通過初選者提供應徵相關資料及著作紙本5 份至本所,並另行通知面談、公開演講、試教或其他方式進行之相關資訊。

An electronic copy of all the application materials should be emailed to our secretary Ms. HUNG Hui-fang (hungfa@nycu.edu.tw) with “Application for Assistant Professor Position (or Higher) in the SRCS: FULL NAME” in the email subject. 

Tel: (+886) 3-513-1593 Fax: (+886) 3-573-4450 
