首頁 > 48期
3.性別科系跨界?大學生的性別與科系選擇(Crossing Gender Boundaries: Gender and College Majors in Taiwan)
主題 Subject 臺灣社會學刊
標題 Title
English abstract
性別科系跨界?大學生的性別與科系選擇(Crossing Gender Boundaries: Gender and College Majors in Taiwan)
描述 Description 關鍵詞:性別隔離、高等教育、科系選擇、性別角色、Gender segregation、fields of study、higher education、choice of major
形式 Form 文字、單期
來源 Origin 臺灣社會學刊
關聯 Relation 是…的一部份:台灣社會學刊第48期
英文摘要 abstract Crossing Gender Boundaries: Gender and College Majors in Taiwan
Hsiao-chin HSIEH
Center for General Education, National Tsing Hua University
Da-sen LIN
Department of Sociology, Fo Guang University
Pei-ying CHEN
Department of Education, National Taiwan Normal University
The authors investigated two questions. First, who successfully crossed
gender boundaries to study in non-traditional major in relation to his or her
gender? Second, what factors affected these boundary-crossing students in
making decisions of college or university majors? Based on the analyses of
Taiwan Integrated Postsecondary Education Database for a representative
sample from the 2005 freshmen class, this study found that less than 10%
chose majors non-traditional to their genders. Logistic regression analyses
revealed that institutional factors exerted strong constraining effects, and
that females/males and vocational/academic track students showed different
concerns and decision making patterns while choosing non-traditional
departments. In general, research hypotheses were found confirmed only
for males, but not for females. Theoretical and policy implications and
suggestions for further research are discussed.

Keywords: Gender segregation, fields of study, higher education, choice of
創作者 Creator 謝小芩、林大森、陳佩英(Hsiao-chin HSIEH, Da-sen LIN &Pei-ying CHEN)
出版者 Publisher 臺灣社會學會
貢獻者 Contributor 數位典藏計畫執行單位:「擁抱社會的軌跡:台灣社會學會學術傳承與社群」計畫
權利 Right 已授權 
日期 Date 出版日期:2011年12月
格式 Format pdf檔
識別碼 Code 檔名:tsa-tj-048_20111200_0003-0000-p.pdf
語言 Language 中文
數位檔連結 Download tsa-tj-048_20111200_0003-0000-p.pdf )