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4.地區婚姻市場內的擠壓:論原漢通婚對原住民族男性單身機率之影響(Marriage squeeze in local marriage markets: The impact of ethnic in
自1970年代開始,歷經卅多年的城鄉移動,原住民族的住居在地理 空間上重組並與漢人頻繁相遇,原漢通婚日漸普遍,其所象徵的非只是 交流的頻仍,高比例的通婚現象更意味著族群關係的和諧,然則,通婚 行為因族群坡度的地位交換,亦可能對原住民族的弱勢者產生不利婚配 擇偶的疑慮。本文運用2000年人口普查資料,試圖揭露移徙、族群通婚 與婚姻市場間的複雜脈絡,檢視原住民女性的通婚對原住民族男性單身 機率的影響,研究發現如下:(1)婚姻市場上原住民族男性主要的競 爭對象是漢人男性,而非族人;(2)教育門檻與婚姻坡度影響原住民 族男性的單身,而非未婚女性的不足;(3)原住民女性的通婚確實對 原住民族男性產生婚姻擠壓的作用;(4)原住民女性通婚對原住民男 性婚姻擠壓的影響主要發生於原住民原鄉;(5)在原住民女性通婚比 例越高的區域中,人力資本所帶來的優勢縮小。
形式 Form 文字、單期
來源 Origin 台灣社會學會
關聯 Relation 台灣社會學刊第61期
英文摘要 abstract Marriage Squeeze in Local Marriage Markets: The Impact of Ethnic Intermarriage on the Single Probability of Aboriginal Men Chien-Chia LIU Department of Medical Sociology and Social Work Kaohsiung Medical University Ying-Hwa CHANG Institute of Sociology, Academia Sinica Abstract Since the 1970s, Taiwan’s aborigines in have largely left their native villages for cities, a redistribution accompanied by a significant increase in aborigine-Han Chinese intermarriages. While this implies a harmonious relationship between two ethnic groups, it may also reflect disadvantaged minority mating behavior. We use the 2000 Taiwan census to analyze complex relationships among ethnic intermarriage, migration and marriage markets. We found (1) for aboriginal men, their main marriage market competitors are Han Chinese, not fellow aborigines; (2) potential spouse quality is more important than prospective mate quantity; (3) education thresholds and marriage gradients, rather than number of single women, impede the marital chances of aboriginal men; (4) ethnic intermarriage among aboriginal women affects the “marital squeeze” effect for aboriginal men, especially in tribal areas; and (5) the effect of educational privilege on male aboriginal intermarriage is less significant in areas with higher aboriginal female intermarriage rates. Keywords: ethnic intermarriage, marriage market, marriage squeeze, aborigines
創作者 Creator 劉千嘉、章英華(Chien-Chia LIU, Ying-Hwa CHANG)
出版者 Publisher 台灣社會學會
貢獻者 Contributor  
權利 Right 已授權
日期 Date 2017年06月
格式 Format pdf
識別碼 Code tsa-tj-061_20170600_0003-0000-p
語言 Language 中文
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